What is a neurotoxin?!


Unless you’re still working on credits to get your high school diploma, odds are that you’ve looked in the mirror and spotted a wrinkle, a fine line, or some sort of imperfection that you wish could be tweaked a little. For some of us, it might be frown lines across the forehead. For others, it might be crinkles around the eyes. Either way, these lines used to appear and then go away, but now it seems they’ve taken up permanent residence. Even worse, as times goes on, these uninvited guests are only digging in deeper. If this sounds familiar even though you already have a consistent skincare regimen in place, it might be time to look into an injectable neurotoxin (i.e. Botox). It might sound a little scary or extreme at first, but I’m going to break it down for you on how it all works. A little knowledge goes a long way to get you comfortable for any new step in your skincare plan.

One quick note before we get to the good stuff: if you do not have a consistent skincare regimen that includes sunscreen, vitamin C, and a retinoid, just stop right here, sister. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. You might think you’re skirting the system by skipping straight to the heavy hitters, but I’m here to tell you that your skincare regimen is the foundation for everything you do to your skin. It may not sound all that glamorous, but the truth is you’ve got to do the work and fight the good fight. Every. Single. Day. A good at-home regimen will ensure you get the most out of any procedures you do and also protects the investment you make in any of your skincare.

Ok, now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk neurotoxins! “Neurotoxin” is the general term for name brand treatments like Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, or Jeveau. The official definition of neurotoxin is, “a poison which acts on the nervous system.”

Ummmm, poison? That sounds a little intense, I know. But it’s not so scary once you know the facts. Botulinum toxin (a.k.a Botox) is a protein produced by a naturally occurring bacteria called clostridium botulinum. It’s literally been around forever, but it wasn’t until the 1820’s when a Belgian scientist discovered it when observing the effects of sausage poisoning! By the 1920s, scientists at the University of California saw the potential positive effects of botulinum and were working to isolate it for medical use. It was first used in ophthalmology to treat strabismus (crossed eyes). Those patients observed considerable correction of the wrinkles between their eyes as an unintended side effect. More studies were conducted and by 1989, botulinum toxin received FDA approval for forehead wrinkles. We now know that in the hands of a skilled medical professional, this “poison” turns into a magic potion that can soften existing wrinkles, prevent new ones, and even improve asymmetry. It’s truly amazing!

Even though Botox has gained popularity due to its cosmetic benefits, it’s important to note that most of the neurotoxin produced is used in medical settings, at four or five times the amounts that we use in the cosmetic world. Neurotoxins are used to treat everything from migraines to bladder problems to vocal cords. Even excessive sweating has met its match! Almost anyone can get it because there are very few contraindications. It’s a proven safe and effective treatment. 

So, it’s safe. But how does it work? How does the magic happen? In short, your muscles move because of the signals sent by your nerves. Neurotoxins block the transmission of those signals from your nerves to your muscles. Basically, neurotoxins shush your nerves so they can’t boss your muscles around. When your muscles aren’t being bossed around they take a little rest. When your muscles are resting, they can’t crinkle your skin. And when your skin isn’t repeatedly being crinkled, it can’t form new wrinkles and the existing ones relax. It all adds up to make your skin look smoother and more youthful. You can sign me up!

Truly, almost anyone can benefit from adding neurotoxins to their skincare plan. Young or old, man or woman, as long as your goal is to delay the signs of aging, this safe and effective treatment needs to be on your radar. 

Some people say if something’s not broken, why fix it? But I say when it comes to your skin, it’s a lot easier (and quicker, and cheaper, and less painful) to prevent a problem than it is to fix one. Neurotoxins are one of the best, if not THE best, way to prevent the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. What’s not to like about that? Life is short! Waiting and worrying is just going to give you more wrinkles, so go for it!”

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Originally published by our friends at DabbleCo